A fake screenshot of Windows 11's "EdgeOS" that's not too far from reality

Since they often posted unique Windows content or leaked upcoming features, Twitter account FireCube is really well on the social media network. But not every day is the same, and today most definitely was not one of those days. This is due to a fake screenshot of a purported upcoming "EdgeOS" Beta operating Windows 11 that was posted by FireCube. But keep in mind that this is a direct lie, not an attempt to present EdgeOS as a genuine competitor to Google's Chrome OS.

FireCube added a description to the Twitter post that read "LEAKED Microsoft plans rebrand of Windows 11 after switching to new web based tech powered shell" and included the image below:

Even though this is only a joke, the screenshot is an edited version of a winver window that appears like it was put together rather quickly because they forgot to fix the end of the first line and the build number doesn't even line up or space properly.

And while it's just for fun,, Microsoft's recent moves concerning the feature-set of its Edge web browser actually do make a "EdgeOS" seem very realistic. This is due to the fact that over the recent months, the Redmond giant has added a ton of extra, potentially unused features to Edge, turning it become a sort of mini OS in its own right.

The company has so far added a whole sidebar with access to the Outlook calendar, the Office suite, the Photos app, a calculator, a unit conversion, and more. Additionally, it now includes a gaming browser that Microsoft claims to be "the best" available. It's also possible that more features like these will be added in the future.

Source: Neowin