Instagram can now be streamed from a desktop PC

Instagram introduced a new feature that would enable creators to stream on the platform from a PC. Creators will be able to live stream using tools like OBS or Streamlabs due to the new Instagram Live Producer.

Up until now, only smartphones could be used by creators to start an Instagram Live. With Instagram Live Producer, live streaming on Instagram will act similarly to livestreaming on Twitch and YouTube. With the new features, live streamers will be able to use additional cameras and external microphones, as well as add custom graphics, title and end cards, etc. to the show.

The recommended audio and video format requirements for streaming on the platform using the new Live Producer tool have indeed been highlighted by Instagram in a blog post. Likewise, the company has offered step-by-step instructions for customizing your first live stream. For a list of the recommended system requirements, see the section below.

Video format

  • the 9x16 aspect ratio for video (recommended but not required)
  • 720p At 30 fps (note: While 60 fps is also enabled by Live Producer, 30 fps is recommended). The Live Producer preview screen will keep showing 30 fps even when using 60. This is typical, and we are looking into a fix right now.)
  • Resolution: 720x1280
  • Range of video bit - rate: 2,250 to 6,000 Kbps
  • Alternatives include 480p @ 30fps and 360p (supported but not recommended).

Audio format

(the settings provided below are the default for most streaming platforms, including OBS)

  • Sample rate: 44.1 kHz
  • Channel layout: Stereo
  • Bit rate: 256 Kbps or higher

To use Instagram Live Producer, go to and click the "Add post" button. Then, select "Live" from the drop-down menu. Provide your stream a title, select your audience, then click "Next" on the "Go live" screen. You'll see your specific URL and stream key on next page. You can now start streaming by entering the stream key in your preferred streaming application. Just go to the official announcement post by clicking on the link below for further information and instructions on how to save your live stream as a VOD.

Just a few days had passed since Instagram announced new measures to verify its users' ages before launching new Instagram Live Producer tool.

Source: XDA Developers and Instagram